The url for the above video:
I pronounced estaminet incorrectly. It is a French word and, unfortunately, I have forgotten statistically 100% of what I learned in the two years that I took French in the 1980s. I looked up the pronunciation of the word during the editing of this video.
Here you see pages 42 and 43 of The Illustrated War News from its January 20, 1915 (Part 24) edition. Similar to what we have today with post dating, this issue may have been on the shelves in December of 1914.

The only part of the text that may be too blurry to read is "(Continued opposite)" in the bottom right corner:

I am very glad to bring this to you. I consider the Christmas Truce during World War I to be one of the most extraordinary and one of the most incredible events in human history. I thank all of you for watching/reading and observing the Centennial of World War I.
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