Hello everyone. This is Michael once again. It is April 29, 2014 and this is day number four in Confederate History Week here at the Michael The Researcher channel. Today I am going to discuss Confederate Bond Interest Receipts.
The Confederate States Of America needed to fund the War somehow and they came up with a bond program. In the following video I briefly describe these Bond Interest Receipts.
These receipts were under the bond and they could be cut off. You can see that some of these are irregularly cut. The amounts are $4, $20, $3 and $30. They were issued on August 19, 1861 and February 17, 1864. They were redeemable in the late 1860s, 1870s and 1880s. As all of you know, the War was long over by those dates and I assume the holders of these receipts did not get to cash them in. You will note some signatures on these receipts. A number of clerks were hired to take on the role of Register Of The Treasury for signing purposes. Some receipts feature printed signatures of Robert Tyler who was the son of former President John Tyler.
Would you buy a used Confederate Bond from this man??
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