Here is a video of the Rally [First I give an introduction and then there are clips of speeches by Stephani Scruggs (of 912 PAC), Sarah Merkle, Kris Ford (of Sons Of Guns) and Stephanie Hayden (of Sons Of Guns) and the end features an interruption by an anti-gun protester. Independence Hall can be seen at various times during this video.]:
The url for the above video:
Here I am with Independence Hall in the background (it was extremely windy out there ... I was lucky to get this photograph with the Tricorn Hat!!):
Here is a photograph of Sarah Merkle as she is speaking and Alan Keyes can be seen in the foreground:
Here are Kris Ford and Stephanie Hayden (of Sons Of Guns) :
Here is Pastor George Cook:
Here is Talk Show Host Melody Burns:
Melody called for all of the ladies in attendance to come forward ...
The headliner!! The final speaker of the day ... former Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes:
Alan Keyes attained his Doctorate from Harvard University in 1979, became a United Nations Diplomat in 1979 and was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations Economic And Social Council in 1983. He and I had a very important and a very worthwhile discussion. Here we are:
This video features parts of Alan Keyes' Speech at the "Save The 2nd" Second Amendment Rally that was held in Philadelphia, PA on May 25, 2013. I combined four different parts so you will see some edits. This is because my memory card kept running out of space and I had to delete files before resuming. I am sure a video of his entire unedited speech is somewhere on the world wide web. Plus, as usual, my camera work is shaky ... even more so because it was cold at that point in the day. It was a great speech and I did my best to record most of it.
The url for the above video:
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