Some of the protesters seemed nice and appeared well-intentioned, but they are severely misguided and are being manipulated. The fact is that the Heeding God's Call/NPEG members are horrified to address the real problem: 1.) the liberal left's atrocious and preposterous handling of violent criminals in the court system and 2.) ethnic demographics (who are the people committing these gun crimes in Philadelphia anyway???). The root of the problem is simply not politically correct and these cowards and zealots are too scared to discuss the truth.
As for the protest taking place today, Heeding God's Call bused people in from different areas and perhaps as far as Baltimore, Maryland. The number of people in Heeding's camp was expected to be 200 total ... there were certainly more than 100 people and the group may have in fact totaled 200. Counter-demonstrators, comprised of retired Police Officers and War Veterans among other individuals, made their presence known as well. First, the Heeding group blocked traffic on Torresdale Avenue long enough to make their way to their designated area on Benner Street (where they blocked traffic for about an hour).
As fate would have it, and no doubt a sign from Almighty God, an ice cream truck drove happily toward the demonstration. Due to interest from passers-by, the truck stopped between DeLia's Gun Shop and the area where the protesters were standing. God acted on behalf of the counter-protesters and delivered them ice cream ... twenty-first-century Manna From Heaven!! The Good Lord rewarded the counter-protesters for their determination and steadfastness against this well-organized foe that was using the Name of God and the Word of God for their own political and nefarious purposes. The truck was parked on the corner and the typical ice cream truck music played incessantly. It was a ubiquitous fixture and absolutely hilarious. Members of Heeding God's Call were furious over this since barely anyone past a few feet from them could hear their rants. In addition, since the truck was blocking the incoming traffic, drivers could not see them until they had just about completely driven by. The loud jingle was tantamount to the Deluge in Noah's time ... it drowned out the speeches and songs of the Heeding group as punishment for their collective iniquity. The ice cream flowed like fire and brimstone upon these purveyors of sin who had set-up camp on the corner of Torresdale and Benner ... Torresdale being a modern Sodom and Benner being a modern Gomorrah ... Heeding God's Call's plans became a pillar of salt ... frozen and devoid of life, much like Lot's wife.
Note: As I was typing this blog entry, I noticed NPEG made reference to the ice cream truck on their facebook page. A member claimed the counter-protesters "co-opted" the ice cream truck that parked in their "space" and had the ice cream jingle play "for over half of the worship service" (Source: I will respond to these claims. The truck was going about its daily routine and was conducting business as usual. Ice cream trucks park when potential customers congregate. There was a line of customers and the man inside the truck was selling ice cream as it was ordered. The truck was never parked in their designated "space" ... it definitely blocked the view of their space from incoming traffic, but was never in their space. I have proof of this below. Heeding God's Call must heed Leviticus 19:11 and Colossians 3:9 ... its members are ignoring these relevant passages.
In addition to the ice cream truck drowning out the Heeding group, another funny event took place. Someone was on the street selling paper crosses. The person went up to Fred DeLia and asked if he wanted to buy one. He asked if the person knew who he was and then said he is the guy who runs the shop. After asking if the person would like to talk about the matter, the person said no and took off. No surprise since the leaders of this group advise/forbid members to speak to anyone. They do not want facts to get in the way of their agenda.
If this gun violence group was targeting DeLia's Gun Shop, why were its members assembled between a barber shop and a liquor/soda store (photographs below)? They were blocking traffic and causing problems for those two businesses (Sizzle Barber Shop and Brandts Beverages) that had nothing to do with this matter.
Local media showed up and in typical fashion, did not report the real news. CBS3 claimed the shop appeared to be closed and Fred was not around to comment. The shop was in fact open and Fred would have spoken to anyone.
DeLia's Gun Shop usually closes at 4:30 PM on Fridays, but they kept the store open almost ninety minutes longer. The commotion led to more business for the store. So far all these protests have been doing is giving the shop more business and free publicity!
The front of DeLia's Gun Shop with a banner provided by a counter-protester:
A wooden sign made by a counter-protester:
The Heeding group setting up:
This is when the group blocked traffic to cross (while incoming traffic had a green light, but had to wait):
Note the Crucifix and Heeding's insult to the memory of Jesus Christ (on Good Friday no less) and the trivialization of Jesus's Sacrifice on the Cross:
Fred DeLia and a supporter facing the group:
Here I am wearing a DeLia's Gun Shop shirt featuring a Revolutionary Patriot and the Second Amendment quoted:
A supporter of the Shop wearing two notes:
The now-famous ice cream truck is on the left at the end of the street (more footage of it is in the video below) - as you can see, it is clearly not in the "space" provided to the Heeding protesters:
Heeding protesters falling asleep at their own rally:
Close-up of the tired ones - see how many you can count:
Local channels 3 and 6:
Here I am working the camcorder and tripod:
Here I am with Fred DeLia himself:
Holding a sign I made (not one of my best signs, but I tried):
Standing in front of DeLia's Gun Shop after the rally:
More photographs can be found at this link:
Here is a video of various points in the day. As you can see and hear, the ice cream truck made life miserable for the Heeding protesters since barely anyone could hear them. The timing was impeccable! Absolutely hilarious. Toward the end, cars can be heard beeping at the Heeding people crossing the street while there is a green light for these waiting cars. I interviewed Fred DeLia in his store after the fiasco ended.
Here is the url for the video in case it did not load properly:
UPDATE (April 23, 2011): I was looking around the net for other accounts of the protest/rally and I came across a post by someone named Camera Zealot. He claims the counter-protesters "went as far to arrange for an ice cream truck to show up" (Source: Again, this is not true. He may have meant "went as far as to arrange" ... nonetheless, no one arranged for the ice cream truck to show up. CZ continues with this gem ... "It’s pretty ironic that a group whose chief complaint is that 'their liberties are being taken from them', is so quick to try to deny the opposition the same" (on his site, there were two spaces after the comma ... I fixed it here). There was no attempt to deny anyone's liberties. In addition, CZ has another website to host his photographs and they are for sale, including two examples that I am featured in: one depicts me looking very VERY tired (a monstrosity) and the other shows me setting up my gear.
There still may be more to this ...
UPDATE 2 (April 24, 2011): I have been told that the ice cream truck driver himself claimed his stop near the rally was arranged. I am going to keep the text as it was originally posted so people do not charge me with trying to backpedal. I will do my best to find out what happened and I am open to correcting the record if he was in fact called to the scene. The reaction of the counter-protesters would make one think they were just as surprised as the other side.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am the photographer in question that runs the site you were referring to. My site offers free viewing of the photos I took - as well as an opportunity to purchase full prints. I am completely within rights in regards to this, as they were taken in a public place - where NO expectation of privacy is afforded (according to the Supreme Court of the United States.
As for the ice cream truck - it most certainly WAS arranged - as confirmed by the driver himself. Although he did noting illegal - it was certainly a dubious move.
Please fell free to post your thoughts on my site - open discourse is welcome.
Oh.. and please let me add this.
ReplyDeleteBesides the ice cream truck in question - I observed others from the Pro-Gun side, who had brought along noise-making apparatus - including a loud horn, and were actively using them in an attempt to drown out the oppositions speech.
I was an impartial observer to the event - having no prior contact with either side. Personally, I fully support the legal (and responsible) right to own firearms (as provided by the 2nd amendment)ALONG with the right to legally congregate and speak freely.
ReplyDeleteHi. I concur with you 100% as far as the photographs. I do not object my being in them. Just yesterday, I noticed someone asking to have a jpeg (of the April 22 protest) removed from Flickr because he/she was in it, but I thought to myself, if someone is going to attend a rally/protest, that person should realize there will be a chance that his/her photograph will be taken and posted online. Since September of 2009, I attended a bunch of rallies in support of the Freedom Fighters in Iran and Egypt and photographs of myself are all over the place now. I understand it just comes with the territory.
It is news to me that the ice cream truck was arranged. I will ask around to see if someone called him to the spot. If people on the pro-gun side have been lying to me, I am going to question them and set the record straight. I thought it was hilarious that the truck did show up by chance, but if someone did call the truck in, I will make the necessary corrections on my blog entry.
I support both the right to own firearms and the right to congregate just as you do. The problem with Heeding God's Call is that they want Fred to sign a document that has no basis in law. It is basically an off-the-record agreement. The Heeding people should go through the legislative and judicial branches of government.
ReplyDeleteI agree - on all counts.
You are in no way obligated top remove any photo taken in the open at that rally, and Mr. Delia is completely justified in not signing the document you mentioned. Dong so, I feel, would be both unwise and hardly necessary.
It's a shame that some of the counter-protester's apparently do not share your views in regards to the right to congregate and be heard. It definitely put their side in a bad light, as far as I am concerned.
Also, thank you for pointing out my grammatical errors - I'm a good photographer - but an equally poor writer.
Oh, and one other thing - if I may...
ReplyDeleteSome captions regarding the photos of the "Heeding God's Call" people infer that they may be "sleeping" during the rally.
This is definitely NOT the case - as you simply captured some images of them during the recitation of a prayer, during which they were bowing thier heads.
Hi Mike,
ReplyDeleteFirst off great photos...I had a blast!
That Flickr photo was on my account and I removed it once I received the request to do was no big deal since the photo only showed a few people.
Keep up the great work!
aka Kodiak on
Tony, here's the problem, you, as well as a great many other people simply dont grasp what the First Amendment does and does not provide. The right to free speech is a restriction on GOVT, NOT on an opposing person or group of people. HGC/NPEG shows the depths of their arrogance to complain about their message being " drowned out" when the FACT is their message is nothing more then BLATANT LIES !!
ReplyDeleteWhy should they be afforded the opportunity to spew their lies and bigotry and attempts at extortion unopposed ?
I have more then once publicly offered to debate this issue with their leader Bryan Miller and have been rebuked each and every time.
I see under the picture titled:
ReplyDeleteThe Heeding group setting up, is that a short stage and sound system? I find it a little hypocritical of Heeding to lambaste the counter-protesters for employing noise makers when they themselves had the equipment to put on a small rock concert.
I was at the protest start to finish. The ice cream guy showed up on his own, and those of us opposing the felony-soliciting extortionist group chose to partake of his offerings, which of course kept him there.
ReplyDeleteI will not say that no person did not get his cell phone number to call him back next time, after all people DO enjoy ice cream and the weather is turning.
I think if HGC would give us at least 15 minutes of time for a counter statement on that podium, we all would be happy to make no noise at all. As it stands, HGC is NOT interested in a dialogue. HGC only wants to "deliver their message" and ignore any type of response.
ReplyDeleteAs long as that is the status quo, I'll be happy to play along and eat more ice cream.
Michael the Researcher? Ha! What a silly and self-serving moniker. And, given the low rate of veracity in the your blog posting, hardly warranted.
ReplyDeleteFirst, let’s deal with the IC truck. Maybe you and the other ‘small men’ claiming to protect Delia’s couldn’t hear Heeding God's Call's service due to the music from the truck, as you were over by the corner where the truck parked, but Heeding folks had no problem. Why? Because the sound system was pointed out from the stage and away from the IC truck, so the sounds from the stage were heard easily by the worshippers. In fact, we thought the IC truck and motorcycle things were funny and typically pathetic, like most of what you ‘small men’ attempt (the sign on the truck is another example). We even sang ‘Sign the Code’ to the melody, to our great glee. You, apparently, forgot to include that in your post.
Second, the ‘busing people in from Baltimore’ nonsense. Yes, you’d like to think so, but it’s almost too silly for words. This theory originated because one of Heeding’s leaders normally wears a Baltimore Oriole baseball cap (guess who he roots for?). Amazing what small minds can conclude from no evidence. Eh? Heeding hasn’t had to bus anyone, we enjoy sufficient support that we always have dozens more participants at all of our events than do the 'small men.'
Third, there were over 250 participants Friday for the service. We know this because we know how many paper crosses we gave out. Easy to figure. So, how many did y’all have? 25? 30? The relative numbers on Friday are indicative of the relative support for the positions represented in the public at large.
Fourth, no one was ‘selling’ paper crosses. We gave them out.
One last note, you look so fetching in your cute tri-corner hat. Where’d you get it? The kids’ section of the gift shop at Valley Forge? I’ll bet you’ve got a cute broom handle and toy horsehead that you ride around on at home to feel like a ‘big man.’
Yep, Michael, I’m sure you’re going to delete this comment, so, for now…ta ta!
Chuck the Truthteller
Really? Check the PAFOA website for video evidence of the shooter shop protests last year there Chuck. Perhaps you will find it interesting some of those people in those expensive cars with out of state license plates in Kensington? Or perhaps the actual admission of several Shalom House members who are from Maryland? Or perhaps my own two eyes who saw some of the same people at Clydes down in MD earlier this year?
ReplyDeleteMore proof of how drinking can distort vision, there Bud. If there were any BMore folks there, which there weren't, there were surely less than a dozen. Even if there had been 200 there still would have been many more Heeding folks from Philly than the total number of 'small men' who have ever shown up.
ReplyDeleteOh, and what state's license plates were on the ratty pick-up with the nonsensical sign? Not PA's. That's some pot/kettle there, Bud.
Way to uphold your own supposed ideals there Chuck: from (
ReplyDeleteRefrain from physical and verbal violence even if provoked.
Keep in mind that my actions publicly reflect upon our message.
Strive to root all my actions in love.
And yes indeed. Your actions speak loudly and well.
This is my first time logging in after a few days ... I was busy with other matters. I am surprised to see so many comments.
ReplyDeleteChuck - are you a person of faith? Is that any way for someone of faith to act? Name calling? Even if you are not a person of faith and happened to join the group since you agree with them on the gun issue, you are giving Heeding God's Call a worse name than it already has. Is this any way for you to get your message across??? A barrage of insults???
If there ever was a Historic Jesus, scholars have agreed he could not have been more than 5'3" and most likely 5'1" ... very similar to the "small men" you insulted in your rant. Other "small men" on the pro-gun, counter-protesting side are Retired Cops and War Veterans. "Small men" indeed.
I will address some of your other points/insults. I purchased that hat at Rockingham in Kingston, NJ at a Revolutionary War Reenactment in 2008. Do you really wish to make that bet about the broom handle and toy horsehead? If so, you will lose. I picked the name "Researcher" because that is exactly what I was when I started this blog and when I had a presence elsewhere on the web. I was heavily involved with fossils, geological formations, coins, tokens, Presidential signatures and more. These areas require a particular amount of research to ascertain authenticity, age, etcetera and with names drying up on the internet, what else was I supposed to pick? I later got involved with various protests and I was not going to create a new blog called Michael The Protester. You claim the name is silly and self-serving, but you call yourself the "Truthteller".
You are obviously very angry with my entry and the venom and vitriol you spewed in your rant verifies this. I have no intention of deleting your comment at all so you are wrong there. You were sure I was going to delete it, but I will not. With the exception of junk posted by spambots, I have not deleted any comments on my blog and I am certainly not going to delete your comment because it is extremely valuable ... it gives a clear depiction and assessment of you as a person and it will serve to harm the reputation of Heeding God's Call as a whole. You resorted to name-calling and personal attacks because you are very livid at my post and coverage of the event and as you will note from my response, I am not sinking down to your level. Plus you throw in "ta ta"??? Come on now. My entry must have really pressed your buttons. No worries on my part ... I had a lot of fun writing/typing this entry. I will leave getting bent out of shape for you and that group of religionists.
ReplyDeleteHi. Thank you for the compliment. When I came home after the Rally on Good Friday, I searched for websites that featured/discussed the event and I discovered the pafoa site. I debated joining it so I could post the link for my entry, but then time slipped away due to my involvement with other matters. I am glad someone else posted the link.
LMAO at Chuck. It makes me smile every-time one of the Anti's is so easily goaded into publicly outting themselves as the true snobbish, "elite" they consider themselves to be.
ReplyDeleteFACT , no less then three different people came over to the corner, begging the ice cream truck to move or turn off the music as it was interfering with anyone being able to hear the speakers on stage. One of the leaders of these sheep, Bryan Miller was also witnessed complaining to the police on the scene about the same thing. But according to chuck it had no effect.
FACT. The turn out on Good Friday this time around by the religious zealots was an order of magnitude smaller then the one they had last year outside Shooter Shop.
FACT. Hey chuck, thats my " ratty truck " and Im damn proud to have it! Sorry I left the Bentley at home that day. That truck is reliable, gets me from A to B so I can provide for my family and is alot better on gas then my 20,000 dollar V8 4x4 pickup, so thats why I used it. Not to mention the fact that my " ratty truck " is a project Im currently building, the wheels alone cost more then you make in a week bud. When its finished I'll have over 15k invested in it and it will be faster and look better then anything off the showroom, with the added plus that I have the satisfaction of knowing I built it myself, with my own hands and skill.
Hey Chuck, if the sign is so " non nonsensical" then why does Bryan Miller desperately run to the police every-time Im there with it, pleading for them to force me to move it ? Whats "non-nonsensical " about publicly asking a supposed religious group why they so quickly discard one of the Ten Commandments ( thou shalt not bear false witness) in order to push their agenda ?
The very fact that so many from your side cry and whine about it is proof positive that its serving its intended purpose, blocking people on the street from seeing your sides signs.
If you want to talk about " non-nonsensical" signs, you really should take a look at the vast majority of the ones on YOUR side, the ones that have been recycled for the last couple years, going all the way back to Colisimo's and the ones that are easily proven to be complete fabrications of an ignorant and or hoplophobic mind.
Im sure just like your cowardly leader Bryan Miller, you will refuse the opportunity to publicly debate this matter and let the chips fall where they may, but I'll offer it anyway.
Oh yea Chuck, one other thing. Its quite evident that your " small mind" comment is merely a regurgitation of the oft used " firearms owners are substituting for small packages " Its a shame your so ignorant that you don't realize that little tidbit doesn't take into account the MILLIONS of WOMEN that own firearms, its also been discarded as nothing more then a juvenile insult, with no basis what-so-ever in fact. Tell ya what Chuck, how about we arrange a little meeting between anyone of us and your wife and we'll see what she says about your theory after the fact ?