On this day in the year 1751, James Madison, Jr. was born. He is one of the great long-haired males of history and also one of the greats who was of a shorter stature - he is, in fact, the United States' shortest Commander In Chief standing at around five feet, four inches in height. Madison was the principal architect of the U.S. Constitution and, as leader of the nation, was one of two sitting Presidents (the other being George Washington) to lead the army on the actual field of battle (in the War Of 1812). Happy Birthday to James Madison on the 259th anniversary of his birth!
Here is a print of James Madison (believed to be from 1836):
Here is a land grant, signed by Madison as President, from November 20, 1816:
Close-up of the signature:
Here is a print of Madison's Montpelier Estate (believed to be from 1867):
A video of the above three items with a quick biography of James Madison:
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