The Greenbank Mills And Philips Farm (website: and the Wilmington And Western Railroad Station (website: teamed up for the Civil War Skirmish that took place on 8-28-2015 and 8-29-2015. Two members of the 1800s music band Camptown Shakers appeared on both days. The first two videos and first two photographs are from the evening of August 28, 2015 ... Here is "Old Zip Coon" (it was getting dark out there as you can see):
Here is "Ring De Banjo" (as you can see, it was totally dark at this time in the evening):
The following videos and photographs are from August 29, 2015 ... Here is "O! Lud Gals": Here is "Walk Along John": Here is a virtual tour of the Confederate and Union Camps: Here is some footage of the train: I am a big fan of waterways so I decided to capture this footage:
You can see the house where the previous evening's performance took place - this time, in the light ...
It is June 28, 2015 and this is the National Raise Your Battle Flag Day. I am making this video in support of the Confederate Battle Flag because it does have a place in this nation's history.
The url for the above video in case it does not load properly:
It is June 27, 2015. Some fools have planned to use this day for burn the Confederate Battle Flag parties. I am not going to do that. Instead I am going to pay tribute to Johnny Reb. In this video, I have a song for you called "Johnny Reb" by Colonel Lou. Colonel Lou is believed to be Lou Millet. Lou Millet was born in Louisiana in 1926. I could not find a death date for him so he may still be alive. I have two copies of this record. I would really love to get one of these autographed by Lou. This record was pressed around the mid 1960s on the Conservative Records label (catalog number: 140). I am going to play the record on an Audiotronics 304E turntable from the 1970s. The song is very fitting for today because it was cold and rainy. This is a great song. I can play this record over and over again. Thank you for watching and honoring Johnny Reb.
The url in case it does not embed properly:
Today is the 210th Anniversary of the end of the First Barbary War (May 10, 1801 to June 10, 1805). It is certainly an overlooked conflict in history. In this case, it is no accident that the War is overlooked considering that it was started due to Islamic aggression and included the slavery of White males. The conflict ended with the United States military defeat of the Barbary Muslims. The First Barbary War marked the first time that the United States' Flag was raised in victory on foreign soil.
2015 marks the 100th Anniversary of the South 9th Street Italian Market Festival in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. These photographs are from the Market's Festival. It was held on May 16 and 17. I attended the event on both days and these pictures are from the 16th and 17th.